Music Tuition Application Form

Music Tuition Application Form

Instrument/Singing Options

I named above,
1. Have read and accept to undertake to abide by the Service Standards and Commitments for Music Tuition at Eltham College 2024-25; these can be found here.
2. Confirm that my child has their own musical instrument(s) which they will bring to lessons/ensembles or I shall make instrumental Hire/Loan arrangement (s) as advised by my child's teacher.
3. Consent to being contacted by the Visiting Music Teacher via my details previously provided to Eltham College.
4. Give consent for Eltham College Music to provide my personal email address directly to ABRSM and Trinity exam boards for the digital certificate result issue for every music grade exam entry whilst my child is at Eltham College.

Thank you for your application. Mrs Lewis, Music Administrator, will liaise with the Head of Section regarding a Visiting Music Teacher allocation for your child, and you will receive a confirmation shortly.