One of the great joys for our students is the freedom to dance, act, sing, paint and play without inhibition and at Eltham College Junior School we truly make the most of this.
The creative and performing arts – Music, Drama and Art – are all integral to our curriculum and co-curriculum. They help build our students’ understanding of their place in the world, their ability to express themselves, their confidence and their social skills. Excellence is pursued outside the classroom whether on the sports field, stage or concert hall. From Fencing through to Cookery, we make sure there is something for everyone.
Our after school co-curricular programme runs throughout the year with some activities running for all three terms and others being seasonal. The clubs are a mixture of those that are offered free of charge and those that are billed termly. Parents will have the opportunity to sign up for clubs at the start of the year.
For co- curricular clubs that run throughout the year, parents that sign their child up in September do not need to resign up each term. The expectation is that students will continue until the end of the school year. A half term’s notice is required to withdraw your child from an after school co-curricular activity.
Our lunchtime co-curricular programme runs throughout the year with some activities running for all three terms and others being seasonal. The lunchtime programme is run almost exclusively by members of the Junior School staff. In September the Junior School students are encouraged to attend a co-curricular fair where they can sign up for the activities that they would like to participate in. Parents do not need to sign up to lunchtime clubs via SOCS. There is no charge for students participating in our lunchtime co-curricular programme.
If you require information regarding co-curricular activities, please contact Mr. Mark O’Dwyer, the Head of Junior School co-curricular, at For club booking inquiries, please contact