
The Good Schools Guide Review: ‘At Eltham, the whole family belongs, not just the children’

We are thrilled to share with you The Good Schools Guide’s new review of Eltham College, published this week.

The Good Schools Guide reviews some 1300 schools nationally, both state and independent, and is a highly respected source of information and independent opinion. Its editors personally select which schools they include on merit, visiting featured schools in person, viewing lessons across a wide range of year groups and interviewing students and teachers as well as the Head. Behind the scenes, they also speak to current and former parents.

After her visit in September, our reviewer highlights, amongst others, Eltham’s ‘fabulous’ sports facilities, the ‘hub of extraordinary energy and enthusiasm’ that is our music department, our ‘strong pastoral element’ and ‘lovely relationships between pupils of different ages’.

Summing up, she says: ‘A popular and desirable school. Pupils are grounded, facilities are good and getting better, staff are enthusiastic, opportunities abound and results (already impressive) are on an upward trajectory. Parents who may once have dispatched their children across London to more ‘prestigious’ schools now no longer do so. Why would they, when they have Eltham on their doorstep with a reputation to challenge any of its competitors?’

The full review is available here.

We are immensely grateful to those parents who gave so freely of their time in speaking to the reviewer both before and after she spent time with us.