
The curriculum at the Junior School is broad, interesting and challenging. Our students learn fast and effectively, developing not only knowledge but the skills in putting that knowledge to use.

The curriculum is designed to stretch and challenge. Our increased focus on learning is designed to produce students equipped not only for secondary school but also for the life of study and work beyond.

Our highly trained form tutors teach the core curriculum, but use their specialist strengths to teach other subjects throughout the school. We use specialist teachers and dedicated rooms for Art and Design, Science, Music, Drama and Languages which means our students always have the best resources for learning.

All our students have access to a bank of Microsoft Surface tablets which they use both during their Computing lessons and across the wider curriculum. From designing code in ‘Scratch’ to researching a History project, technology is a part of their everyday lives.

Our bespoke Music and Drama curricula offer boundless opportunities for our students to embrace their creativity within the disciplines of these two essential performing arts. Students encounter a diverse range of musical and dramatic styles and techniques, meaning there really is something for everyone here at Eltham College Junior School.

The Junior School curriculum comprises English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Religious Studies, French, Mandarin, Music, Drama, Art, Design Technology, Computing, Wellbeing, Physical Education, Swimming and Games.


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