The Sixth Form Experience

Our Sixth Form experience involve Year 11 students joined by 30 to 40 new students to create a diverse and stimulating environment.

Sixth Formers have access to their own designated areas, such as The David Robins Sixth Form Space and the Pearson Sixth Form Study Centre, where they can access computers, higher education materials, and an informal work area, as well as facilities for refreshments and relaxation. There are also opportunities for silent study in a supervised section of the library.

There are many opportunities for students to take on leadership roles, such as Prefects, House Captains, or through the College’s own Community Service program or the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Sixth Form tutor groups are comprised of both Upper and Lower Sixth students, and both year groups have their own Head of Year. The Head of Upper Sixth, Head of Lower Sixth and Deputy Head work together to oversee the pastoral and academic well-being of students and to foster close links between parents and the school.

The school also has a well-established House system, which allows for inter-house camaraderie as students take part in regular inter-house competitions. This House system adds an additional layer of pastoral care for students. There are also opportunities for students to take on roles of responsibility and to support one another. Sixth Form prefects run a student council that meets regularly to discuss all aspects of school life and reports back with suggestions for improvements to the Deputy Head.